Sunday, September 12, 2010

Selena Gomez In The House, err, Spiral!

If you haven't read, teen pop sensation Selena Gomez is in the spiral for a Celestia based quest to rescue her. I haven't been able to do this quest because I haven't had the time to load the test realm, so I will probably wait till the live realm. If you want to see some screenshots from the test realm, you can see this post on The Friendly Necromancer's blog.

Unfortunately I haven't gone onto Wizard101 lately because I haven't had much to do(did my sidequests, stuck at secure house) so I've been leveling up my character on Runescape. I'm gonna try and tackle the secure house today, see if it was one of the towers they shortened in the last update, wish me luck.


  1. ah-ha! thats why you arent on... gl with the storehouse

  2. Thanks for comment Friendly, no problem. And Anonymous, I realized that its actually called Secure House, so I fixed that and I hope I see ya in the spiral soon!
